Buckley Belts

Skyrocketing Buckley Belts to Multi-7-Figures in 4 months

Meta Ads
Google Search
Google Shopping
YouTube Shorts
TikTok Ads
Email Marketing
Video Editing
Graphics Production

Explosive Revenue Growth:
Scaled from tens of thousands to multi-7-figure monthly revenue in four months.


Strategic Market Expansion:
Expanded into multiple non-English speaking European countries, effectively adapting to new markets with tailored Shopify storefronts.


Innovative Translation Strategy:
Developed a rapid, human-powered translation process for creating and iterating ad creatives, enhancing engagement across diverse markets.


Sustained Advertising Success:
Continuously pushing profitable ad spend to $1M and beyond each month in 2024.

Buckley Belts

Buckley Belts, now renowned for its innovative automatic locking system, partnered with Penang Media to catapult their brand from startup to sensation.

Launching with a single, standout product, Buckley Belts faced the challenge of maximizing customer acquisition while maintaining profitability.


Penang Media deployed an aggressive digital marketing strategy utilizing Meta, Google Search and Shopping, YouTube Shorts, TikTok ads, and comprehensive email marketing campaigns. This unique approach centered on leveraging Buckley Belts' streamlined product fulfilment system to aggressively scale operations globally while boosting profitability.

Within just four months, targeted Meta ad campaigns transformed Buckley Belts from generating tens of thousands in monthly revenue to achieving multi-7-figure monthly sales. By recognising the right signals in an extremely competitive arena, the Penang team's expertise in efficiently juggling large sums of capital allowed the brand to scale fast.


Recognising the potential in international markets, the campaigns were expanded into non-English speaking territories across Europe and language-specific storefronts in German, French, and other languages, were quickly established while maintaining high buying efficiency and increasing profit volumes. An innovative, fast-track translation process employed real people to translate and create hundreds of new ad variations weekly, enabling rapid market penetration and creative iteration.

Our services

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Boosting To 8-Figure Brand in 2 Years
Email Marketing
Google Search
Google Shopping
Meta Ads
Graphics Production
Boosting To 8-Figure Brand in 2 Years

Buckley Belts

Monthly revenue growth from tens of thousands to multi-7-figures in four months
Meta Ads
Google Search
Google Shopping
YouTube Shorts
TikTok Ads
Monthly revenue growth from tens of thousands to multi-7-figures in four months

H.H Cosmetics

Multiplied new customer acquisition by 6x daily, without sacrificing profit.
Meta Ads
Google Search
Google Shopping
Video Editing
Graphics Production
Multiplied new customer acquisition by 6x daily, without sacrificing profit.

Bellissimo Hats

Doubled ad budget while maintaining the brand’s standards of excellence and cost-effectiveness.
Meta Ads
Google Search
Google Shopping
Graphics Production
Doubled ad budget while maintaining the brand’s standards of excellence and cost-effectiveness.